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I tested 62 popular antiviruses
o find the ones that provide the best protection f
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Amazing training
— ones that are good at detecting and blocking Mac
-specific malware while also improving upon Apple’s built-in protections.
I wasn’t surprised to find that most antiviruses only focus on PC protection. Mo
st of them simply overlook secu
rity features for Macs or don’t offer anything better than Apple’s built-in security features.
However, I was able to find a couple of Mac antiviruses that were significantly better than the rest, with features like:
Real-time malware detection.
Anmerkung der Redaktion: Intego und diese Website gehören zur gleichen Eigentümergruppe.
Comprehensive antivirus scanner.
Ransomware protection.
Network firewall.
Mac cleanup and optimization tools.
Each antivirus on this list adds more functionality to Apple’s built-in security features, with things like advanced firewall protection and safer browsing with Safari, and many even have better backup functionality than Apple’s Time Machine — and they all are affordable, easy-to-use, and 100% secure.