eWallet Test 2024 - Nur 7.6?

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Platz 21 von 56 Passwort-Manager
Platz 21 von 56 Passwort-Manager
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Geprüft von Kate Davidson
Tyler Cross
Tyler Cross
Veröffentlicht am: 18. Januar 2024

eWallet-Test: schnelle Experten-Zusammenfassung

Leider sind für diesen Passwort-Manager derzeit keine Rezensionen verfügbar. Möchtest Du Deine Meinung zu diesem Produkt mitteilen, kannst Du unten eine Nutzerbewertung hinterlassen. Wir tun unser bestes, bald einen detaillierten Test zu eWallet zu veröffentlichen. In der Zwischenzeit kannst Du die Tests für die besten Passwort-Manager 2024 lesen, etwa 1Password und Dashlane. Du kannst Dir auch unsere ausgewählte Liste mit den besten Passwort-Manager auf dem Markt ansehen.

eWallet Produkte & Preise

For Android
9,99 $ / Jahr
Gratis Testen
For iOS
9,99 $ / Jahr
Gratis Testen
for Windows PC
19,99 $ / Jahr
Gratis Testen
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Über den Autor

Über den Autor

Tyler ist Autor bei SafetyDetectives und recherchiert leidenschaftlich gerne über alles, was mit Technik und Cybersicherheit zu tun hat. Bevor er Teil des SafetyDetectives-Teams wurde, arbeitete er mehr als fünf Jahre lang direkt mit Cybersecurity-Produkten, darunter Passwort-Managern, Antivirenprogrammen und VPNs, und lernte alles über ihre Anwendungsfälle und Funktionen. Wenn er nicht gerade als „SafetyDetective“ arbeitet, interessiert er sich für Geschichte, recherchiert Investitionsmöglichkeiten, schreibt Romane und spielt Dungeons and Dragons mit Freunden.

Password Managers Comparison

Sehen Sie sich die Top 3 alternativen Passwort-Manager an
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eWallet Nutzerbewertungen

*Benutzerbewertungen werden nicht geprüft

20 0
Nach 20 Bewertungen in 2 Sprachen 9.7
Das Vertrauen unserer Nutzer ist unsere Priorität #1! Antivirus-Anbieter können nicht für Veränderungen oder das Löschen von Bewertungen bezahlen.
Michael SD, The Netherlands
Michael SD, The Netherlands
Happy user for about 20 years
Mac Nutzer
Simple and effective. Using on Ios and windows. Have tried other password mangers, but return each time to EW. Would like to see space for storing documents. 2FA or similar would be good too.
Vereinigte Staaten
A few missed comparisons
Mac Nutzer
1) You mention the need to separately purchase the app for multiple devices, but you don't compare the cost to purchase for 3 devices vs the cost for the competitors. eWallet is a one time purchase; almost all of the others are monthly or yearly subscriptions. As some others have already pointed out, eWallet can be much less expensive than the other options; even for up to 10 devices as they are all one time purchases with lifetime use.
2) eWallet's synchronization process makes sure all devices have the same set of data. Ok, it only supports import through the desktop, and for some people that may be an issue, but after the next sync, all devices will have the imported data, too. IMHO, one feature eWallet handles well is when a user has u...Mehr anzeigen
Happy user coming before the iPhone era !!!
Mac Nutzer
I agree with most of the previous comments regarding the effective cost of eWallet app. After all these years even keeping the same features and design is still my favourite password manager for MacOS, iOS. The addition of 2FA would be a great improvement and I would pay again for it.
Bob Dabolina
Bob Dabolina
Great product living in the shadow of others.
Windows Nutzer
I have used the product for what must be 9-10 years. In the beginning I synced with cable to my phone. Then WiFi. Since quite a few years back it syncs via DropBox.

I have never had to purchase a new key. No yearly or monthly subscriptions. So the cost of $30 dollars for this service is unheard of. On the few occasions I contacted support (regarding biometric data and security when syncing with DropBox) they were quick to respond and good at explaning everything I needed to know in depth.

I am very happy with the product and can recommend it. 1 star off for not being able to sync with OneDrive where I store everything as I'm not a big fan of DropBox and their intrusiveness, as well as the fact that some documentation is very old.

H...Mehr anzeigen
Great product
Windows Nutzer
In the "early years" syncing was sometimes a problem. But for at least the past 5 years (it is now almost 2022), works like a charm:
Vereinigte Staaten
eWallet / Windows PC and iPhone /Long time user since January 2010
Windows Nutzer
I have been using eWallet since January 2010. Still have the registration email stored my my eWallet. Tried several other applications, keep coming back to eWallet. I simply like the features and the cost. Security is upmost concern and besides Two Factor, this seems to be pretty solid. If you are looking for a password wallet, make a list of features you like such as; multiple wallets, sync between multiple devices (I like to have a master to edit and overwrite devices), ability to export to clear text (paper file in your bank deposit box, just in case), many different types of file types, keep your software keys in a Software folder, Health information (doctors, insurance, etc.), Inventory of your main assets in your home, many other feat...Mehr anzeigen
Seit über 15 Jahren zufrieden
Windows Nutzer
Nutze es seit über 15 Jahren über verschiedene Systeme hinweg. Aktuell iPhone & Windows. Insbesondere der sichere Cloud-Sync macht es sehr komfortabel. Beim Arbeiten Zugriff auf alle Kennwörter per Windows Applikation, mobile per iPhone App.
outstanding product
Linux Nutzer
used for decades. highly reliable and excellent support. highly recommend.
Vereinigte Staaten
Trusted & Used for Years
Windows Nutzer
I have been using for maybe 21 years, its muti-platform and works on older operating systems and newer, totally cross platform. Like that company is not owned by a huge gigantic software developer. Also I like that the PW database can be converted for use by newer versions of software.... Cost is reasonable
Shane Chiang
Shane Chiang
Since Pocket PC days till now, 2024
Mac Nutzer
I have been using eWallet, and used to review them since the Pocket PC days! I am used it on my Windows, Windows Mobile, Mac, iPad and iPhone now. It just works.
I recommend this simple and straight forward password organizer that is a blast to use. Plus, no subscription!
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