$ US-Dollar
$ US-Dollar€ Euro£ Britisches PfundAED V.A.E. DirhamARS Argentinischer PesoAU$ Australischer DollarBGN Bulgarischer LewR$ Brasilianischer RealCA$ Kanadischer DollarCHF Schweizer FrankenCLP Chilenischer PesoCN¥ Chinesischer YuanCOP Kolumbischer PesoCZK Tschechische KroneDKK Dänische KroneEGP Ägyptisches PfundHK$ Hongkong-DollarHUF Ungarisches ForintIDR Indonesische Rupiah₪ Israelischer SchekelINR Indische Rupie¥ Japanische Yen₩ Südkoreanischer WonMX$ Mexikanischer PesoMYR Malaysischer RinggitNOK Norwegische KroneNZ$ Neuseeländischer DollarPLN ZlotyRON Rumänischer LeuRUB Russischer RubelSAR Saudi-RialSEK Schwedische KroneSGD Singapur-Dollar฿ BahtTRY Türkische LiraNT$ Neuer Taiwan DollarUAH Ukrainische Hryvnia₫ Vietnamesischer ĐồngZAR Südafrikanischer Rand
Arnold Mutinda
Arnold specializes in cybersecurity products, including VPNs, antiviruses, and password managers. He has authored or co-authored hundreds of product reviews, user guides, and tech-related opinion pieces. He meticulously tests each product that he presents on TechTalks.
Prior to joining TechTalks, Arnold was a freelance tech writer for 10+ years. He's also worked as an IT technician.
When he's not at his home office, working on his next TechTalk piece, Arnold is usually trawling the internet, reading up on the next big innovations in the tech space. He's also an amateur chef who enjoys trying out exciting recipes from all over the world.